
Continuous Development

Today is one of those days when an email comes in with some good news, and with it some relief – confirmation of Chartered Marketer status for another year for our Principal, Andy Sherratt.

Andy has been a Chartered Marketer with CIM since the status was introduced in 1998, it requires proof of continuous professional development to be submitted to CIM each year to demonstrate areas identified for learning and activities carried out – along with reflection on how the learning has contributed.

Whilst the nature of teaching courses for CIM through has to involve some personal updating to deliver relevant content to our students at SPA Professional Academy the discipline of updating for Chartered Status is a great way to ensure knowledge is kept up to date. Combining the requirement to consider changes happening in the marketing environment, areas covered in the CIM modules, a skills assessment and the Professional Marketing Standards from CIM on which Chartered Marketer status is based is ideal for determining areas for development.

The Chartered Marketer submission each year remains a slightly nervous experience – will the evidence and reflection be sufficient for what is needed and gain approval always a though when clicking that button. So the email confirmation that it was successful, giving 26 continuous years with Chartered status is great to receive!

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