

Course enrolments

We are really pleased with the level of enrolments so far this year, they are exceeding expectations for this stage of the process. The weekend courses are doing particularly well so if you are considering joining our CIM weekend workshops for the new Chartered Post Graduate Diploma or Professional Diploma make sure to complete your […]

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CIM Coursebooks

You can now see, and purchase, all the recommended texts for CIM qualifications on our website at – hope everyone finds this to be a useful resource, there are certainly some very interesting books on the lists.

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Interesting promotion

I have been meaning to post this for a while – I saw this advert for specs from an optician whilst in France earlier this year and thought it was an interesting way to promote something, a twist on sales/price promtion that Ihaven’t seen elsewhere. Whilst my French isn’t brilliant, just in case you need […]

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New website

I have finally got our new website live – there are still a few pages which need more detail but information about courses for the new CIM Professional Diploma and Chartered Post Graduate Diploma are available. You can see it at

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My Book!

I was delighted to open a parcel today and get copies of a book with my name on the cover – little things please sometimes! After quite a bit of work, especially by the other authors, over a pretty short space of time it is really good to see the results, and I am pleased […]

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End of term

Yesterday was the last teaching day for SPA Professional Academy this term with exams coming up shortly for students, resuming again in September with the final module of the current CIM Post-Graduate Diploma and the first modules of the new Diploma and Chartered Post-Graduate Diploma. The current Post-Graduate Diploma students are pictured during the session […]

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CIM Professional Post Graduate Diploma

Details for our courses for the new Professional Post Graduate Diploma and Chartered Post Graduate Diploma should be available soon – we are working out the delivery schedule and timetable for the courses which we will be starting in September. The issue we are currently dealing with is how to ensure we deliver in a […]

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Google and Sony

Interesting to read an article from The Sunday Times – link here – about Google and Sony joining forces to offer the book library created by Google available for the Sony e-reader. As a strategic move this could be very significant; the critical mass which both Sony and Google should gain from this will give […]

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New CIM Syllabus

In the last couple of weeks I have spent a few days at Tutor Training events for the new CIM syllabus at both Professional Diploma and Professional Post Graduate Diploma levels. Both look very good, and I am pretty sure they reflect well the challenges faced by marketers at present. The units within the syllabus […]

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I plan to use this blog to keep you updated about activities at SPA Professional Academy, and news relevant to marketing professionals. Today has been a bit of a social networking day – I have created a Facebook page – and a Twitter account – now I need to make sure I keep them, and […]

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