SEO and Paid Search Management (Elective)

About This Module

This CIM Level 6 Diploma module recognises that many customer journeys beginning with a search engine, meaning that adopting a successful search engine marketing strategy has become critical to increase brand reach and visibility.

This module delivers the knowledge and skills to create an effective search strategy for both organic and paid channels.

Learners will be able to apply research techniques to understand customer search behaviour and utilise it to optimise paid campaigns and websites to maximise search engine visibility.

SEO and Paid Search Management (Elective)

Further Information About SEO and Paid Search Management (Elective)

SEO & Paid Search Management is an elective module from Group 3, it can be chosen with electives from Group 1 and Group 2 for the Diploma or Extended Diploma in Professional & Digital Marketing

This 10 credit elective module comprises three learning outcomes:

  1. Utilise research methods for organic & paid search.
  2. Understand how paid search is managed
  3. Understand how organic search can be optimised

Assessment: Online Multiple Choice Test

The assessment for SEO & Paid Search Management is a 50 question, 90 minute onscreen multiple choice test

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