AI Marketing (Elective)

About This Module

The AI Marketing CIM Level 6 Diploma module recognises that as AI technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, marketers need the skills and knowledge required to respond effectively to developments and understand their application to marketing.

It provides strategic insights to the impact of AI within the business environment and the resources required to implement AI technologies.

Learners gain the knowledge and skills to create a suitable plan to respond to AI developments

AI Marketing (Elective)

Further Information About AI Marketing (Elective)

AI Marketing is an elective module from Group 3, it can be chosen with electives from Group 1 and Group 2 for the Diploma or Extended Diploma in Professional & Digital Marketing

This 10 credit elective module comprises three learning outcomes:

  1. Identify the application of AI within marketing
  2. Understand the challenges of AI within the business environment
  3. Understand how to plan the utilisation of AI in marketing activities

Assessment: Online Multiple Choice Test

The assessment for AI Marketing is a 50 question, 90 minute onscreen multiple choice test

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